⠀Forged in Fire
A dutch/english medieval fantasy RPG
Forged in Fire is Closed

Forged in Fire is a high fantasy role-playing game, which is set in a world where legends come alive. Dragons exist, magic is at the tip of your fingers and the lands are beautiful beyond imagination. Join us in a journey throughout Avalance. Create your character and allow yourself to be surprised by the many adventures that lie ahead. Where one moment your character might be on its way to finding love, he could encounter a dragon or a unicorn the next. Nothing is impossible in these lands.

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The sun shows itself more and more as the days warm up and get longer. Flowers bloom and trees blossom as spring reveals itself.

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NYE Celebration

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Dragonriders have walked the lands of Avalance and the other continents for centuries. In the past, there were powerful bloodlines of mighty dragons who would occasionally bond with these riders. Dragon activity in the last few decades has been non-existent, which means that there were no more bonded dragonriders until recently. With the discovery of four dragon eggs in Avalance, this changed. Below you can find all the information needed about what happens after the egg hatches.

Please note that this thread only goes over the information about fire wyverns and ice dragons, as they are the only ones who have been found thus far. All current lore found in the bestiary still applies. This section gives more detail about the colour patterns and schemes as well as information on growth about the dragon types currently found in the RP.


Fire wyverns

Fire wyverns have a distinct set of colours that might resemble that of a volcano. They are of a very dark, warm shade, with dark red or dark orange details in their scales and the membrane between their wings. Their scales tend to have warm and smokey hues that seem to have a certain glow, like smouldering wood.

Ice dragons

Ice dragons are the polar opposite of fire wyverns in almost every way possible. Their colour scheme makes people think of huge chunks of ice drifting on the ocean. Their scales are mostly white or a very light blue, with darker blue and sometimes even hints of purple as smaller parts on their body. When the sun reflects just right, some might spot the multi-coloured hue, like the rainbow shimmer found in white pearls.

Note: the colours on the left cover the majority of the dragon, those on the right are meant for details. Of course, this gradient is more a guideline than a restriction but aim for these shades when describing the dragon.

Forest serpents

Forest serpents have scales that resemble the green hues of the rainforest, with an added pattern of brighter coloured scales. Different from the other dragon species, forest serpents can completely alter the colour of their scales and membrane into any colour they desire. Using this trick, they can perfectly blend into their surroundings and go unnoticed.

Sea serpents

Sea serpents have scales that can range from deep blue to deep green. These colours are perfect to blend into the dark waters of deep seas, rivers and lakes. To adapt to their dark habitat sea serpents have a pattern of glowing scales that they use to lure their prey to them. This light often had a faint blue or green tint.

Gender and naming your dragon

Dragons do not have defined sexes like most creatures, but can instead lay eggs without the need for sexual intercourse. Each dragon is different and some are viewed as more feminine or masculine by their riders, referred to as such. Therefore a dragon can have a feminine, masculine or more gender-neutral name. The dragonriders of old followed a system of picking a name consisting of two words, like Sunchaser and Stormbringer. With this entirely new generation of riders, they are free to choose any name. It is not mandatory to follow the old system.


Dragons have the ability to telepathically 'talk' to each other and their riders. Just like they send images and impressions through dreams, they can forward their feelings to humans. They rarely communicate with anyone else but their riders and would use the rider to translate for them rather than speak directly to humans they share no bond with. The stronger the bond with the rider, the easier they can communicate with each other. They have an understanding of human language, but they are unable to speak it.

For example: A dragon can warn the rider about a dangerous situation by sending them an image of the location where the danger lurks, along with the feeling of alertness or fear.

Dragons can still manipulate the dreams of their riders when a message is too complicated to explain with mere impressions.

Dragon diet

Dragons have a diet that mainly consists of red meat like cows or sheep. It gives them the needed nutrition to grow and develop their bodies. However, dragons can complement their meal with the occasional fish, bird or even fruits like wild berries or apples. Each dragon will have different personal preferences.

In their early stages, dragons will rely on their riders to provide them food. When they are about 4 months old, they will start hunting on their own, though the size of their prey will be equal to their own size. The amount of food needed also depends on their size; a young dragon will eat more because they are still growing, an adult dragon still eats quite a lot, but once satisfied they can go several days without having to eat again.

Dragon phases

To give you a notion of how fast a dragon grows, and what their capabilities are, you can consult the list below. Do keep in mind that dragons need constant care and training to grow. The timeframe below is real-time. This means that your activity as a writer will have an impact on the dragon! If you go inactive for several months, there is a chance the dragon dies.


Dragons are about the size of two combined hands, can be lifted easily.
Dragons can’t use their breath yet.
Serpents are about the size of two combined hands, can be lifted easily.
Forest serpents do not produce venom yet but already develop their camouflage. Sea serpents cannot light their pattern of scales yet or take their dragonrider to swim.

2 months

Dragons are about the length of the tip of your middle finger to your elbow.
Dragons will be able to glide, but can not fly properly yet.
Dragons will be able to create a small spark or heat/freeze a piece of meat with their breath. Most of the time it’s just hot/cold air coming from their mouth.
Dragons are about the length of the tip of your middle finger to your elbow.
Forest serpents will be able to glide, but can not fly properly yet. Sea serpents start to swim faster but are easily exhausted.

4 months

Dragons are the size of an average dog.
Starts to be able to fly short distances; can’t carry extra weight.
Dragons will start to use their breath. Can create small fires/frostbreath. This will only last for a few seconds before they need to gain energy again.
Serpents are the size of an average dog.
Forest serpents start to be able to fly short distances; can’t carry extra weight. Sea serpents can swim for longer amounts of time without getting exhausted.
Forest serpents start to produce their venom, but it takes a week to regenerate the small amount they can produce. Sea serpents can now control their glowing scales and start to provide oxygen for their riders underwater for short amounts of time.


Dragons will have reached the size of a bigger dog at the start of this stage and will grow into the size of a small horse during this stage.
At the end of this stage, they will be more capable of flying, though still not for too long, nor with extra weight.
Dragons will learn to use their breath for a short period of time, though it does require a lot of energy. Will need lots of practice.
Serpents will have reached the size of a big dog at the start of this stage and will grow into the size of a horse during this stage.
At the end of this stage, forest serpents will be more capable of flying, though still not for too long, nor with extra weight. Sea serpents can swim for extended periods of time and are not bothered by most predators anymore.
Forest serpents will produce more venom, but will still need a week to replenish the entire amount when they use all of it. They will need practice for their aim and receive proper food to stimulate the production of venom. Sea serpents will be able to take their riders underwater for two hours.


Dragons will have reached the height of a small horse at the start of this stage and will grow to the size of a large draft horse in this stage.
Dragons will learn to fly for longer periods of time during this stage, and will now be able to start carrying a fully grown human for very short periods of time. For example, from Fairview to Riverhold with multiple breaks.
Dragons will be able to use their breath for longer periods of time and multiple times a day at the end of this stage. Can use it in battle.


Dragons will reach the height of a full-grown, average sized horse at the start of this stage and will continue growing.
Dragons will learn to fly for extended periods of time with a fully grown human on their back during this stage. For example, from Dragonwatch to Caer Scion with multiple breaks.
Dragons wil be able to use their breath for extended periods of time, multiple times a day depending on the amount of training received.

2 years - ???

Dragons will keep growing from this age. The more they eat and get trained, the bigger they will get. At the end of this stage, the bigger dragons will be the size of a small elephant.
Dragons will be able to fly as long as they have the proper energy and be able to carry a maximum of two people.
Strength of the dragon at this point completely depends on the received training. Can use everything in their power. Of course, the older the stronger.


The size references of this guide are written with an average size dragon in mind. Dragons who are smaller and leaner will sometimes reach milestones more slowly and bigger sized dragons will perhaps reach them a little bit more quickly. Please adjust accordingly and realistically to your situation. Furthermore, please keep in mind that your dragons abilities will need to trained, as they do not progress naturally